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Tag: optimization

How to Eliminate for loop in Pandas Dataframe in filling each row values of a column based on multiple if,elif statements

Trying to get rid of for loop to speedup the execution in filling values in Column ‘C’ based on if, elif conditions involving multiple columns and rows. Not able to find a proper solution. tried applying np.where with conditions, choices and default values. But failed to get expected results as i was unable to extract individual values from pandas series

Normalize two arrays with second array the base for normalizing first array

In order to find the quality indicators like Generational Distance, Inverted Generational Distance, Epsilon Indicator, and HyperVolume for a Pareto front I want to normalize the values of approximation front obtained on solving the algorithm based on reference front which I assume encloses the approximation front. I have used the code below for normalization. However, it is for one array

Using PuLP to minimize two sums in python

I am trying to find the optimal weights of two indexes (stocks and bonds) to mimic as closely as possible a stocks return. (NOC stock). I am having trouble setting up PuLP to minimize the sum of squared differences. objective function: (minimize) (sum of weighted stock returns + sum of weighted bond return – stocks return)^2 where the stock and
