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Tag: optimization

Best parameters of an Optuna multi-objective optimization

When performing a single-objective optimization with Optuna, the best parameters of the study are accessible using: If I want to perform a multi-objective optimization, this would be become for example : This works, but the command study.best_params fails with RuntimeError: The best trial of a ‘study’ is only supported for single-objective optimization. How can I get the best parameters for

Filter 2d list by another 2d list

I have a list A: And list B: I would like to leave only these rows in list A, that all values of which are contained in at least one row from list B. So my expected output is: Because values ‘512’ and ‘102’ are in second row of list B. I know how to achieve that by iterating or

Absurd solution using gurobi python in regression

So I am new to gurobi and I decided to start working with it on a well known problem as regression. I found this official notebook, where an L0 penalized regression model was solved and I took just the part of the regression model out of it. However, when I solve this problem in gurobi, I get a really strange
