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Tag: nlp

Load a model as DPRQuestionEncoder in HuggingFace

I would like to load the BERT’s weights (or whatever transformer) into a DPRQuestionEncoder architecture, such that I can use the HuggingFace save_pretrained method and plug the saved model into the RAG architecture to do end-to-end fine-tuning. But I got the following error I am using the last version of Transformers. Answer As already mentioned in the comments, DPRQuestionEncoder does

How to detect protected cells in Excel file using Python?

Given that an Excel file contains some cells protected with passwords, I want to detect these protected cells to choose whether to include them in the inputs or skip them. I have tried pandas and openpyxl However, the protected cells are read normally like other unprotected cells and could be easily changed. So the question is, how could I detect

Problem to covert data from CoNLL format to spacy format

How can I covert data from CoNLL format to spacy format? I’ve executed current code following similar Q&A on stackoverflow: How to convert from CoNLL format to spacy format. CoNLL spacyformat However, I cannot fix the error. Code Error Message I’ve read the document, spacy convert, but have no idea how to fix the error. Environment Python 3.9.1 spaCy version

How to save Farsi text in csv file using python?

I was trying to save my dataset in a CSV file with the following script: but the result is confusing, write some unknown chars to CSV file instead of Farsi chars: Can anyone help me? I want to write all these files in a CSV: example of what I have in one of them and want to write: but result:

Create a NER dictionary from a given text

I have the following variable data[1][‘entities’][0] = (48, 54, ‘Category 1’) stands for (start_offset, end_offset, entity). I want to read each word of data[0] and tag it according to data[1] entities. I am expecting to have as final output, Here, ‘O’ stands for ‘OutOfEntity’, ‘S’ stands for ‘Start’, ‘B’ stands for ‘Between’, and ‘E’ stands for ‘End’ and are unique
