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Tag: networking

Visually see edges and node color in networkx graph

I am creating a graph that will represent a Fat Tree ( Currently, when I visually see the network I code up, the nodes are close together but I do not see a visible edge between them. How do I make my nodes not be so close together? I want a user to visually see an edge between nodes, say

I would like to check physical ports redunducy check with python

would like to check physical network ports with python scripts ports information as following, Python scripts can check if ServerID has 2 or more physical network lines to differents network devices. ServerID,NetworkID,Port name Server_1,NW_1,ge-0/0/8 Server_2,NW_2,ge-0/0/5 Server_3,NW_3,Ethernet7/15 Server_4,NW4,ae4 Server_4,NW4,ge-2/2/0 Server_4,NW4,ge-2/2/1 Server_4,NW4,ge-2/2/2 Server_4,NW4,ge-2/3/0 Server_4,NW4,ge-2/3/1 Server_10,NW5,ae4 Server_10,NW5,ge-2/2/0 Server_10,NW5,ge-2/2/1 Server_10,NW5,ge-2/2/2 Server_10,NW5,ge-2/3/0 Server_10,NW5,ge-2/3/1 Server_16,NW6,ae5 Server_16,NW6,ge-2/2/3 Server_16,NW6,ge-2/2/4 Server_16,NW6,ge-2/2/5 Server_16,NW6,ge-2/3/2 Server_16,NW6,ge-2/3/3 Server_22,NW7,ae5 Server_22,NW7,ge-2/2/3 Server_22,NW7,ge-2/2/4 Server_22,NW7,ge-2/2/5 Server_22,NW7,ge-2/3/2 Server_22,NW7,ge-2/3/3

DNS Packet IP Address Structure

I have been writing a python program that builds a packet and sends a reverse DNS lookup request to a DNS server. I have a problem the IP address is stored in hex in a way that is difficult to understand. In the hex field it has the number of each iteration with a 3 in front of it, so
