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Tag: mysql

SSL connect to mysql from django

We just had a migration from a “unsecured” mysql DB to a SSL mysql but my Django application cannot connect anymore. content of and when I execute this Django command line : python3 dbshell (which used to work with the pre-migration DB), I receive the error message : As you can see, the executed mysql command does not

Not all parameters were used in the SQL statement Python – MySql

I want to check if the ID exists already but I get this error: Not all parameters were used in the SQL statement Code: Answer The second argument to execute() should be a sequence of values, one for each placeholder token %s in the query. You did pass a sequence, but not in the way you intended. Strings are sequences,

Sqlalchemy raise ‘NotImplementedError: Operator ‘getitem’ is not supported on this expression’ When use ‘hybrid_property’ in mysql.SET

Hello everyone: I success to create ‘user’ table, but failed to add ‘user’ to table. python version: 3.7.2 SQLAlchemy 1.3.18 create permission enum declare ‘user’ table add one ‘user’ to table raise exception Do you have any good ideas? Answer I think it has been instantiated to be an ‘my.SET’ object before assign so that ‘hybird_property’ is called. The object

If a table has columns equal to columns in a second table insert values in a third table, python – mysql

I have 3 table in my database: Borrowers: amount of the loan, interest rate, borrower id (PK) Lenders: amount of the bid, interest rate and LenderID (PK) Contracts: ContractID PK, amount, interest rate and the two foreign key(borrowerID, lenderID) I create a loop in python with an input command in which I can insert new request of loan and new

SQLAlchemy Core – Efficient UPSERT of a python list of dictionaries with Mysql

Assuming an existing mysql table, “user”. Assuming a single column primary key “id”. Assuming the data to be inserted is always given as a list of dictionaries, in the form: [{‘column_name1′:’valueA’, ‘column_name2′:’valueB’}, {‘column_name1′:’valueC’, ‘column_name2′:’valueD’}]. If a row is inserted with the same primary key (aka id), I’d like to just update the values of all the other columns. I understand
