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Tag: upsert

SQLAlchemy Core – Efficient UPSERT of a python list of dictionaries with Mysql

Assuming an existing mysql table, “user”. Assuming a single column primary key “id”. Assuming the data to be inserted is always given as a list of dictionaries, in the form: [{‘column_name1′:’valueA’, ‘column_name2′:’valueB’}, {‘column_name1′:’valueC’, ‘column_name2′:’valueD’}]. If a row is inserted with the same primary key (aka id), I’d like to just update the values of all the other columns. I understand

How to upsert pandas DataFrame to PostgreSQL table?

I’ve scraped some data from web sources and stored it all in a pandas DataFrame. Now, in order harness the powerful db tools afforded by SQLAlchemy, I want to convert said DataFrame into a Table() object and eventually upsert all data into a PostgreSQL table. If this is practical, what is a workable method of going about accomplishing this task?
