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Tag: matplotlib

Change x-axis scale size in a bar graph

For some set of data, here is my code which generates a bar graph like this: The values on the x-axis ranges from 1975 to 2017. And the values on the y-axis are some decimal values. In the x-axis of the plot, the values are overlapping. I want to change the scale as 1975, 1980, 1985 so on to keep

Matplotlib change Figure size

Good morning everyone, I’ve been playing around with matplotlib recently and I drafted some Charts. Unfortunately, I’m currently stuck, as I cannot resize the chart (Code and Screenshots below, sorry for the chaos with the dates). I tried using figsize but it just doesn’t change the output image. Do you guys have an idea, where I’m wrong? Cheers and have

Plotting subgraphs identified by connected components

I have detected connected components in my graph. Now I would need to plot them in separate charts for analyzing them individually.As example I am using karate club network, but my network has actually 5 connected components. I used nx.draw but nothing has been displayed: Answer S is not a subgraph but a list of subgraphs so you have to
