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Tag: matplotlib

mplFinance edit x-axis to show seconds

I am wondering if there is a way to have an MPLFinance plot show more keys(time) and seconds as well as minutes. I know you are able to add the minute, but can’t find anywhere to add the seconds. Answer You can tell mpf.plot() how you want to format the datetime axis using kwarg datetime_format=. You can use any valid

Cannot install Matplotlib on Python 3.10

I keep getting the following error when I run the above to install Matplotlib. I was initially getting a C++ error and I installed Visual Studio. Answer Matplotlib doesn’t support Python 3.10 at the moment, so you have the following options. See this answer for detailed instructions to downgrade to Python 3.9. Install the pre-release version of Matplotlib which does

How to visualize categorical frequency difference

Data: Diabetes dataset found here: Objective: I want to examine how many people under the Age of 30 have diabetes, which is indicated by a 1 or 0 in the “Outcome” column of the dataset and plot it to see if there is a class imbalance (more of 1 or more of 2 or roughly equal?) Method: Filter my

Matplotlib, what to plot in a loop with user input

this is the first time i ask a question in here, so i hope i can ask it correctly any feedback on clarity is also appriciated. I am forced to use matplotlib’s plot function in the code i am currently writing, due to the datastructure i am working with. But it does not do well with plotting in loops. What

How to put a text label next to a matplotlib.pyplot.arrow?

I can manually add a label next to an arrow in Matplotlib 3.4.3. by estimating its location. Output: I wonder if there is a builtin way to add the label to an arrow and align its label accordingly? if no what is the easiest approach? Answer Maybe a bit easier to read using axes.annotate but somewhat equivalent to the code
