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Tag: math

Smoothing Categorical Output

I have a list of outputs obtained from a cow behavior detection model. Even in a video when a cow is laying, often time it identifies as standing and vice versa. In each video frame, a classification result is given by the model and we are appending it into a list. Let’s assume after 20 frames, we have a series

Algorithm for integer solutions of a circle?

I am trying to search for integer solutions to the equation: If I search this in wolfram alpha, they are all found almost immediately even for very large n. When I implemented a brute force approach it was very slow: So I assume there is a much faster way to get all of the integer solutions to the equation above.

Python can’t describe two varibles

I am trying to make a simple program to calculate the area of a triangle. But at the end, python does not recognize the str function I am using. I have little to no experience on Python so if this is a stupid question, then that is why. I have tried renaming the variables and looking at other questions on

How to extract digits from a number from left to right?

I know that I can extract digits from a number from right to left by implementing something like: But is there a way to do it from left to right that works similar to this one, simply by using stuff like the modulo value? Answer If you don’t have problem with recursion approach then here is a solution with little

How can I use “e” (Euler’s number) and power operation?

How can I write 1-e^(-value1^2/2*value2^2) in Python? I don’t know how to use power operator and e. Answer You can use exp(x) function of math library, which is same as e^x. Hence you may write your code as: I have modified the equation by replacing 1/2 as 0.5. Else for Python <2.7, we’ll have to explicitly type cast the division

Finding prime numbers using list comprehention

I was trying to generate all prime numbers in range x to y. I tried simple example first: range(10,11) which means to check if 10 is a prime number: Here is my code: I know that the thing is missing the option to tell the expression that x%y != 0 should be checked for all y in range (2,x) and

Is the golden ratio defined in Python?

Is there a way to get the golden ratio, phi, in the standard python module? I know of e and pi in the math module, but I might have missed phi defined somewhere. Answer scipy.constants defines the golden ratio as scipy.constants.golden. It is nowhere defined in the standard library, presumably because it is easy to define yourself:

How do I calculate the angle between the hour and minutes hands?

I’m trying to workout this problem, but I am still struggling to understand the logic to solve this problem. So, according to this, I thought I could formulate the following function in python: For the hour, it works fine, as it appears to have a 1=1 mapping. But for the minute there is one problem at least. When it’s 0
