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Tag: mariadb

Packet sequence number wrong – got 1 expected 0

Getting the below error in MariaDb and its causing timeout issue : Debugged it with removing skip-name-resolve, granting privileges to user@localhost, and in pyton create_engine used pool_pre_ping = True and pool_recycle=3600 but nothing seems to solve the issue. MariaDb version is 10.4.20 and Python is 3.9.Its not a multithreaded application as well. Any pointers on solving debugging this issue would

Flask-SQLAlchemy: ‘Table’ object has no attribute ‘query_by’

I’m developing an API with Flask and I cannot retrieve queries from a MySQL database I’ve connected with flask-sqlalchemy (not sqlalchemy alone). This is a pre-existing database downloaded from my client’s PHPMyAdmin, so I haven’t ran db.create_all(): I simply created the connection string in, then instantiated db = SQLAchemy() and initialized it (db.init_app(app)) in my factory function (i’m using

Python – Store cryptography keys in SQL database

Working on a “Password Saver” and will be using the module “cryptography” to encrypt the passwords. I need to save the key you generate from cryptography in the database as well, but I am not sure how you actually do this. Done some google searches myself and it seems to be called a “byte string”? Not really sure what it
