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Tag: loops

How to deny letters and symbols in loops

I only want my code to accept numbers between 1 to 9. I tried try except, logical operators, isdigit, but I just can’t do it. Answer It look like you’re trying to print out the prompt based on the user input, and you want to make sure that it’s not higher the 9 and lower than 1. You need to

Change value every nth iteration python

How can I change a value inside a loop every 10th iteration? Say I have a list with 30 properties I would like to change the value of x by a factor of 10 every 10th time. Desired outcome ** Answer Modulo is a nice way of doing that: Edit: you should probably initialize x outside the loop.

Looping through HTML & following links

I am writing a code that is supposed to open a url, identify the 3rd link and repeat this process 3 times (each time with the new url). I wrote a loop (below), but it seems to each time sart over with the original url. Can someone help me fix my code? Answer You need to define the empty list

Increasing performance for search pandas df, Count occurrences of starting string grouped by unique identifier

Current dataframe is as follows: Expected Output: Question: How do I get the counts of the ‘starting string’, only when uniqueID is occurring for the first time with increased performance. Thus far, I’m doing with a simple for loop of the data and checking with if/else statements. But this is incredibly slow with a large dataframe. I’m curious if there
