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Tag: list

How to retrieve partial matches from a list of strings

For approaches to retrieving partial matches in a numeric list, go to: How to return a subset of a list that matches a condition? Python: Find in list But if you’re looking for how to retrieve partial matches for a list of strings, you’ll find the best approaches concisely explained in the answer below. SO: Python list lookup with partial

Fixing code when printing frequent values, python

Related to Counter when 2 values are most frequent I made a demo list for the example, Running it with “for i in range (len(lines))”: First round, there is only one occurred value “1”, but in the second round there are 3: 41,23,67. That’s why I did a for loop and matched “most” to “a” but del_connected prints the wrong

how to use python to find the first not repeating character?

I am solving a problem: Given a string s consisting of small English letters, find and return the first instance of a non-repeating character in it. If there is no such character, return ‘_’. For example: s = “abacabad”, the output should be firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s) = ‘c’. I wrote a simple code, it got through all the test, but when I

AIRFLOW – Setting relationships from a list of operators

I have a list of operators that were appended to a list in a for loop. I would like to set a relationship for my DAG where each task is set downstream in the order of the list. For example Thank you Answer There’s a helper function created for that, will be much more performant than the accepted answer See

Split list until the next largest number with repeat

Python coding i want to split list shown below a=[5,4,2,5,7,5,4,10,2] if this list is given, i want to split it into b=[[5,4,2,5],[7,5,4],[10,2]] the algorithm is split until there is bigger number than 5 then 5,4,2,5 is in one list, next number is 7, so split the list until there is bigger then 7 which is 10. how can i do
