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Tag: list

python need to iterate a list over a list of dicts

python need to iterate a list over a list of dicts I need to iterate the list a over a list of dict b whether the value present or not. If present take some values from b and if not input as 0 for the months till september it should show as 0 and for december,jan and feb its should

Find tuple in list of tuples in python

I have a list of tuple (simulationtime,efficiency) and I want to find the tuple in which the maximum efficiency is stated with respect to the minimum simulation time. Any hints on how that could be done? A small part of the otherwise very large list: [(109.00537427472713, 0.8), (109.00588429136333, 0.85), (109.00649436705454, 0.86), (110.00055419961151, 0.86), (110.00122432147343, 0.86), (110.00172424060818, 0.86), (110.00236418239592, 0.86), (110.00292411815163,

How to find the values of a key in a nested list of dictionaries in Python

This is my data structure. I have 3000 instances of ‘product’ within the ‘clothes list’. Each contains another list of dictionaries that stores the reviews. I am attempting to iterate through all the reviews in the dictionary and return all the reviews written by a particular username. My Two attempts below output the same error. The Error TypeError: list indices

Removing first and last punctuation from python

I have the following problem, I want to remove the punctuation marks at the beginning and at the end but leave the ones in between. Example. and this should turn So if anyone can help me, I would appreciate it Answer You could use a regular expression for this. Just import re at the start of the file, then
