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Tag: list

Subtracting from inner list

There is 5 fundraising projects, and the purpose of this program is to substract the amount of money that each of n donators will donate from the desired sum of each project The program partially work, but sometimes python typing “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable” and the programm fall What can cause this crash? Thank you for your help!

Read, Split and Append csv to lists in python

Problem I need to build a backend function that will read the data within a csv file, split the values and append them to several lists. The program for adding/removing/displaying values form the lists is working but now I need to add file I/O. I have the file inventory.csv and have a function load_file_data() which is meant to read, split

Python – Trouble printing to CSV

My code seems to be outputting the list I want, however, when I try printing the list to CSV I do not get the same result on the .csv file for some reason. I am sure there’s something not right at the end of my code. Could anyone please shed some light? Thanks in advance. Answer I have not used

All cells getting updated in pandas df using loc

So I create an empty pandas df, where I initialize all the cell values to empty lists, except the diagonals, which are set to math.inf The indexes are the start position, and the column headers are the end position I want to get the start and end positions, and the difference between the days to get from start to end,
