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Tag: list

Compare list of lists with a list

I want to compare each list in the list of lists with the list based on the fact that each element is an interval and if that interval from “Listoflists” is included inside the interval from “List” we would get a True statement or else it would be a False one. And if possible, get in output a dataframe with

Substract two row values in dataframe python

Currently I have a sort of dataframe where I want to substract value from current row from the previous one. example: df = pd.Datafame([1,4,3,5,6],columns = [“time”)]) left 1 4 3 5 6 I want to iterate over these rows and store it in a list. So the list will get like this [-3,1,-2,-1]. So far I have this Now the

How to remove array from values in a dictionary

I have the following dictionary But I’d like to remove the lists so it looks like this: Is there a simple way to do this? I think I might be able to iterate through and remove the list. Thanks Answer In order to produce the required output you will need a list (set) of keys that should not be modified.

Iterating through list of lists of lists

I am trying to iterate through a 3-D list in python(not numpy but I am willing to convert to a numpy array if this makes it easier) in such a way that from a list like this: I can get the output I can’t figure out how to make it iterate like this… My code: I’ve tried different things but
