I am reading a file in python and i need to add every line to a list. The problem is that every line is a list containing string and integers. This is the file i am reading: file this is the output of reading the file and putting it on the new list. output as you can see it is
Tag: list
Add a character to a specific duplicate string
I’m trying to add a character to a specific duplicate string, like in the following situation: nomes_comp = [‘Fulano A’, ‘Beltrano B’, ‘Fulano A’] So I have duplicate items on my list; I would like to add another character in one of the duplicate items, hoping to get the following output: nomes_comp = [‘Fulano A’, ‘Beltrano B’, ‘Fulano A1’] I’m
Looping through Python Dict and Normalising
I have multiple dict in a list and I want loop through each dict and flatten the file. When I run this code its giving me the ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable error. And the custom fields in the below json will be having many other fields as well Project_details list will be consisting of info like this And My
Iterating through a list with dataclasses, and checking if an element matches the inputted int?
I”m having a bit of trouble with my code. I’m trying to get the IDs from the list and compare it to an int input. If the int is the same as the ID, it’ll print(“Yes”). If it doesn’t match an ID, it’ll print(“no”). Problem is, it’s printing no for even the numbers that should return yes to.. I’m toying
confusion with the reverse() function in python .why does it reverse both of the list in this specific question
Q3. Consider the following Python function: If we call the function maf with the list a and then with the list b with the values give bellow: a = [17, 38, 10, 25, 72] b = [10, 30, 20, 30, 10] What is the value returned by each call? Answers (choose one): a) maf(a) returns True and maf(b) returns True
Python for-loop jumps over the second element of a list
The for loop is supposed to go through a list and add the elements to another list until it encounters an empty string. However, it keeps jumping over the second element. The for-loop is supposed to go through a list(“baa”), adding every element to a different list(“foo”), until it encounters an empty string. At that point it is supposed to
How to remove all Pandas rows of lists if they contain specific values?
I am looking for a way how to drop all the rows that contain any value from a list: Int: Out: I have come up with this solution: which only works with these simplified data, but not in other cases, therefore I am looking for some alternative way. Thank you. Answer Use boolean indexing with set.isdisjoint:
How do I convert this selenium next button clicking code into loop so I can get url of all the pages until next button disappears
Hello I wrote this selenium code to click Next button and give me url of the next page. The Question is I want to convert this code in a loop so I can click on the next button & collect all URLs until next button disappears. How do I out all the collected URLs in a list? I tried While
How do I solve a two-sum problem with multiple solutions?
So essentially it is a simple two sum problem but there are multiple solutions. At the end I would like to return all pairs that sum up to the target within a given list and then tally the total number of pairs at the end and return that as well. Currently can only seem to return 1 pair of numbers.
Check to see if two lists have the same value at the same index, if so return the index. If not return -1
So basically I am trying to compare two lists to see if they hold the same value at the same index at any point. If they do I return the index, if they do not, I return -1. When I had first done this as a test I was having no issues however adding in the text has made it