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Tag: list

Add a character to a specific duplicate string

I’m trying to add a character to a specific duplicate string, like in the following situation: nomes_comp = [‘Fulano A’, ‘Beltrano B’, ‘Fulano A’] So I have duplicate items on my list; I would like to add another character in one of the duplicate items, hoping to get the following output: nomes_comp = [‘Fulano A’, ‘Beltrano B’, ‘Fulano A1’] I’m

Python for-loop jumps over the second element of a list

The for loop is supposed to go through a list and add the elements to another list until it encounters an empty string. However, it keeps jumping over the second element. The for-loop is supposed to go through a list(“baa”), adding every element to a different list(“foo”), until it encounters an empty string. At that point it is supposed to

How do I solve a two-sum problem with multiple solutions?

So essentially it is a simple two sum problem but there are multiple solutions. At the end I would like to return all pairs that sum up to the target within a given list and then tally the total number of pairs at the end and return that as well. Currently can only seem to return 1 pair of numbers.
