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Tag: linux

How to run a Python module from Linux console?

I am a beginner in Linux and I am trying to do something very basic (yet it does not seem to work). I have installed a python3 package. I wish to run this Python package on a specific folder from my linux machine. The idea is that this package should restructure all my files in a specific format (this is

Copy file using hexdump and hexedit

I have a binary that has to be copied over serial port to the device that has hexedit installed. How to get hex dump of the binary on Linux (preferably in Python) in a format that can be simply inserted into hexedit? Answer Restating the question a little, I think you want to generate a hex dump of a binary

itterate through multiple URLs with BS4 – and store results into a csv-format

hi there i am currently working on a little tiny sraper – and i am putting some pieces together i have an URL which holds record of so called digital hubs: see i want to export the 700 regords in (to) a csv-format: that is -into a excel-spreadsheet. so far so good: i have made some first experiments –
