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Tag: lambda

Factorial function using lambda

I am trying to implement the function below into one line of lambda code. I have constructed a lambda statement, but I keep getting syntax error: Answer First of all, you can’t refer to a global name z when there is a local variable (the parameter) by the same name. Thus, we will declare a lambda statement called func and

Using filter and lambda in a list of lists

I working with a list of lists. Each of those lists are the same — they contain title, url and some additional statistics (always in the same order). I would like to create a function find_title, which takes the wanted title and returns the whole list (with title, url and statistics). That’s my attempt However it doesn’t work, it returns

Nested lambda statements when sorting lists

I wish to sort the below list first by the number, then by the text. Attempt 1 I was not happy with this since it required splitting a string twice, to extract the relevant components. Attempt 2 I came up with the below solution. But I am hoping there is a more succinct solution via Pythonic lambda statements. I looked

How to use await in a python lambda

I’m trying to do something like this: But I get this error: Which makes sense because the lambda is not async. I tried to use async lambda x: … but that throws a SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Pep 492 states: Syntax for asynchronous lambda functions could be provided, but this construct is outside of the scope of this PEP. But I

How to sort by value efficiently in PySpark?

I want to sort my K,V tuples by V, i.e. by the value. I know that TakeOrdered is good for this if you know how many you need: Using TakeOrdered: Using Lambda I’ve checked out the question here, which suggests the latter. I find it hard to believe that takeOrdered is so succinct and yet it requires the same number

python max function using ‘key’ and lambda expression

I come from OOP background and trying to learn python. I am using the max function which uses a lambda expression to return the instance of type Player having maximum totalScore among the list players. The function correctly returns instance of type Player having maximum totalScore. I am confused about the following three things: How does the max function work?
