I just started learning Kivy and I was trying to understand how the Canvas instructions are affected on resizing of the window of the kivyApp. In the Kivy documentation it is mentioned that – The example which follows, shows how to bind the size and position of a Rectangle instruction to the size and position of the widget in which
Tag: kivy
Issue when importing kivy.core.window and using the multiprocessing library
First of all, I’d like to clarify that I have absolutely 0 background as a software engineer and this is the first time I’m using python for something besides API’s and creating excel/plots. My issue is that I was trying to create an app using kivy and then I imported the kivy.core.window library a blank screen appears. I’ve seen that
How to display a simple list and a list with dictionaries in BoxLayout
I can’t figure out how to display a simple list and a list with dictionaries in BoxLayout (class Content), I’m trying to display the “data_name_list” list line by line, and the “data_all_list” list line by line, but only the values by the key “item_name”. Here is .py file Here is .kv file Answer You can just define a method that
Call variable from a loop in another method
How do I call Bookfolders in remove_tab? Answer Just make Bookfolders an instance field like so Then you can access that data in any method.
Kivy – Error while trying to use my.kv file
I’ve just started learning kivy and I am unable to get a black window when I run this code, and this is an error: Kivy files require #:kivy !ex This is my code snippet: gui_python.py My my.kv file is: Answer I use Builder.load_string() and paste my .kv code in it and that’s work
Kivy MDDatePicker – TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘callback’
https://kivymd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components/pickers/index.html#mddatepicker This code is coming from the official presentation page so it may be a Github issue to raise ? The widget is under testing. Therefore, we would be grateful if you would let us know about the bugs found. TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘callback’ Answer The MDDatePicker does not work with kivymd-0.104.1. You must install kivymd-0.104.2.dev0
Kivy: How to bind dropdown opening properly?
I am struggling with making DropDown opening bind properly to the releasing of the selection button. I tried using this: selection_button.bind(on_release=drpdn.open) The binding seems to work rather randomly when I create more than one DropDown (some DropDowns open others do not and I cannot see any logic in it). However it shown exactly like this in the example in Kivy
Kivy Popup Shows Same Buttons as Main Screen
I’m very new to Kivy (been using for about four hours…) and I’ve hit a wall with popups. I have a main screen which has four buttons in a float layout. On press down I want the ‘MOVE’ button to open a popup. Now I’ve got this working but the popup contains the same four buttons as my mainscreen. This
Showing the setup screen only on first launch in kivy
I am trying to make an app with kivy and kivymd but I can’t figure out how I can make the setup screen show up only the first time. This is how the application is going to work: User launches the application after installation and is being shown the sign up/log in screen, And once the user is done with
Why my rgb color in Kivymd looks different to real color?
I was changing active color of MDTextFieldRound in Kivymd. I set theme.cls.primary_palette to Teal, and I want to set active color to accent color or lighter color of Teal. So I searched on Google and found many posts about teal color’s accent color. And I want to set color to 102,178,178,1 (https://www.color-hex.com/color-palette/4666). But when I use this code and run: