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Tag: indexing

Datetime object in DataFrame with just time

This is the plain column And the I would like to put that column in the index, the problem is when I try to use the method resample() I always get the same problem: TypeError: Only valid with DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex or PeriodIndex, but got an instance of ‘Index’ I’ve been using this to change the Time column to Answer You

Python: concatenate pandas multiindex

I need to generate a pd.DataFrame with columns being composed by a list and a Multiindex object, and I need to do it before filling the final dataframe with data. Say the columns are [‘one’, ‘two’] and the multiindex obtained from from_product: I would like to get a list of columns which looks like this: One possible solution would be

How to move a column in a pandas dataframe

I want to take a column indexed ‘length’ and make it my second column. It currently exists as the 5th column. I have tried: I see the following error: TypeError: must be str, not list I’m not sure how to interpret this error because it actually should be a list, right? Also, is there a general method to move any

Filtering multiple items in a multi-index Python Panda dataframe

I have the following table: Note: Both NSRCODE and PBL_AWI are indices. How do I search for values in column PBL_AWI? For example I want to keep the values [‘Lake’, ‘River’, ‘Upland’]. Answer You can get_level_values in conjunction with Boolean slicing. The same idea can be expressed in many different ways, such as df[df.index.get_level_values(‘PBL_AWI’).isin([‘Lake’, ‘River’, ‘Upland’])] Note that you have
