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Tag: html

How to display the keys of a python dictionary as HTML table headers and values of each key as a row under that table header?

I’m currently working in a django project in which I do some data analysis using pandas library and want to display the data (which is converted into a dictionary) as a HTML table. dictionary that I want to display: I want to display the above dictionary like this table in django template. id product_name value available_qty 1 product1 200 1

No data available in table | Flask/Python/Sqlite

I am trying to use a simple app to display database information using Python, Flask and SQLite. I have three files server_table.html, and base.html. My SQLite database testdb.db is constructed successfully and I am able to pull/push data to it. The columns and data type are correct for the database model. However, when I run, the webpage renders

Get html link id in django

This is what my template index.html looks like And here is my file Finally, this is my link view inside of the file Where page() is a function that takes one argument. I want the id of the <a></a> tag of index.html to be that argument. But I have no idea how to access get that id inside

How to extract a table from website without specifying the web browser in python

I’m trying to automate data extraction from ASX ( website into my database by writing a web scraping python script and deploying it in Azure Databrick. Currently, the script I have is working in Visual Studio Code, but when I try to run it in databrick, it crashes, throwing the error below. I believe I will need to simplify my

Selenium element is not attached to the page document

I am trying to scrape this particular site with Python: I need to get all the isin codes and the names. My idea was to get them all in 2 separated lists, to do that I try to get the entire column (by changing the Xpath to tr rather than tr1) and then add it to the list. My
