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Tag: geometry

How to find nearest point in segment in a 3d space

I am solving an algorithmic problem which sounds like this: Given a three-dimensional space and segments in it. Find the point with minimal distance to all of the segments. Example input: in the first line N – the number of segments, in the N next lines given the begin and the end of each segment: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2

Ray and square/rectangle intersection in 3D

Hei. Are making a game and are looking for a ray intersection onto a square or a rectangle only in 3D space. Have search the web and found many solutions but nothing i can understand have a line and line segment intersection script in 2D but i cant figure out have to make it 3D. It is not important from

Finding points on a rectangle at a given angle

I’m trying to draw a gradient in a rectangle object, with a given angle (Theta), where the ends of the gradient are touching the perimeter of the rectangle. I thought that using tangent would work, but I’m having trouble getting the kinks out. Is there an easy algorithm that I am just missing? End Result So, this is going to
