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Tag: euclidean-distance

Calculating Euclidean Distance

I have the code below to calculate Euclidean Distance. however, my function does basically nothing. It gives no output and not even an error, it just runs and finishes. Answer Have you called the function? Output: For longer lists, you can also do this faster by summing a generator expression instead: Or you could use math.dist (as pointed out in

Pycuda Blocks and Grids to work with big datas

I need help to know the size of my blocks and grids. I’m building a python app to perform metric calculations based on scipy as: Euclidean distance, Manhattan, Pearson, Cosine, joined other. The project is PycudaDistances. It seems to work very well with small arrays. When I perform a more exhaustive test, unfortunately it did not work. I downloaded movielens
