How can I run multiple processes pool where I process run1-3 asynchronously, with a multi processing tool in python. I am trying to pass the values (10,2,4),(55,6,8),(9,8,7) for run1,run2,run3 respectively? Answer You just need to use method starmap instead of map, which, according to the documentation: Like map() except that the elements of the iterable are expected to be iterables
Tag: function
Perform an exception for a list of funtions
hello people (I am new to python) Question: i use ipywidgets with buttons, i want to call a list of function, sometimes there’s a problem in a function (syntax, division by zero,…), i try to put an exception to pass the error and lunch the next function, don’t work :( I’m running in jupyter environment using python and pandas
pass one function to another, where inner function may access variable in the larger function, python
I have a library function to which a user can pass their own function that will be executed at various points during the library function’s execution. Sometimes, these user functions may want to access (not modify) variables that only exist inside the library function. This is the current implementation: The problem is that sometimes the user’s function may not need
Trying to understand a code of counting numbers digits in python
Can someone explain to me the code below. I need to understand what line 2 and line 5 mean when we count digits of a number (ex. 100). Answer is the variable used to store the number of digits in Number. this line continues looping until the Number is 0. In other words it loops while Number is a positive
Working with 2 arrays with different lengths Numpy Python
Is there a way I could modify the function down below so that it could compute arrays with different length sizes. the length of Numbers array is 7 and the length of the Formating is 5. The code down below compares if any number in Formating is between two values and if it the case then it sums the values
Pygame functions having two brackets
Why does pygame.dispay.set_mode(()) and other similar functions has two braces instead of one and why it isnt working if i just put only one brace? Answer The display mode gets a tuple with two items to describe the resolution for the render-screen. And a tuple will be defined by When using the default you just use the empty tuple definition
Why is ‘figure’ object not callable in nested function?
I’m calling a function that creates a matplotlib figure with two subplots and then plots subplots with nested functions. It looks like this basically: When I call, this I get this type error: ‘Figure’ object is not callable. I’ve done this kind of thing in other contexts before, so I’m curious what potential causes are, or what exactly this error
Plotting graph from data frame
Plotting the graph for both South Asia and Eastern Asia using the above function is showing the same countries and same graphs .What mistake am I doing while writing the above code, I can’t figure that out? enter image description here Answer The problem is with your function. Remove the for loop and it should work
Python ipywidgets – empty widget that can be filled inside a function
Let’s say I have a dropdown widget with some numbers and a floatext widget with some other numbers. I would like to define a widget that takes an empty parameter and can be dynamically filled with the calculation made inside the function which in this case would be mW. I could do it by not defining the mW widget and
Smallest Number Function
Trying to make a simple function that determines the smallest number in a list of numbers. For some reason, it looks like my for loop is only executing once for some reason with this function. What am I missing? Answer Your return statement is in your for loop. Remove the last indent of your return, and it should work fine.