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Tag: function

What is the difference between function and keyword/statements?

I’ve seen ‘del’ being referred to as a keyword and as a statement. Apparently, it is not considered a function: Python has a del statement (keyword) to delete objects, not a del function. I looked up the definition of a function in Python and it says: In Python, a function is a group of related statements that performs a

How to define multiple functions in single function declaration?

In Fortran you can do something like this: Can something like this be done in Python? I want to write a function like this for float, int and str. Which I will then pass to the parser: Answer The types themselves are first-class objects, so you can pass them as arguments to a single function. First, define a function that

Sort by custom function in R

In python, I can do something like It gives me [1, 5, 99, 100, -5, -7, -100] It is sorted by positive/negative number and abs value. How can I do the same thing in R? Without splitting into positive and negative numbers? a = c(1,100,5,-5,-7,99,-100) Answer Use the order() function: Created on 2022-03-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.1) Another possibility

Ursina update function within class

In a project I am working on, I have multiple classes in which I wish to each have an update function when an object is created. How do I get these update functions to run every frame? i.e for this example code, how do I get both class a and b to run update functions? At the moment neither function
