I want to make a function that takes two dictionaries as inputs, where the keys of the dictionaries are strings and the values are ints or floats. It should only use list comprehensions, for-loops, and if statements without imports. for example, an input should look like this: the goal of this function is to return a single new dictionary comprised
Tag: function
What is the difference between function and keyword/statements?
I’ve seen ‘del’ being referred to as a keyword and as a statement. Apparently, it is not considered a function: Python has a del statement (keyword) to delete objects, not a del function. https://tutorial.eyehunts.com/python/del-function-in-python-code/ I looked up the definition of a function in Python and it says: In Python, a function is a group of related statements that performs a
Is there a way to transfer the contents of a for statement to a function?
So i’m currently trying to make a program that encrypts, then decrypts a file. For the encryption process i’m trying to move a line of the given file to another function, that will replace a letter at one index from the arranged list corresponding to the words in the file, with a letter at the same index, but isntead in
Function that removes duplicates in a list of values assigned to each key in a dictionary?
I want to make a function that first merges the duplicate entries by key in a dictionary, then removes the duplicate values in each key. However, I want the removed duplicates to be relative to the other values in the value list they’re in, not the value lists of the entire dictionary. If possible, could this be done using only
Is it possible to import a function from another script without importing the variables from such file?
I have two scripts 1 and 2, I would need these two script to work independently from one another, but I also need script 2 to be able to use the function in script 1 if needed. I tried to automate as much as possible, so each script has a number of variables inside already defined. Here is an oversimplified
How can I say that if I want to return an operation on a list, but it stays the same when it comes out null?
I have a list-of-list of word groups in Turkish. I want to apply stemming and I found turkishnlp package. Although it has some shortcomings, it often returns the right word. However, when I apply this to the list, I don’t want the structure of my list to change and I want the words that he doesn’t know to stay the
How to define multiple functions in single function declaration?
In Fortran you can do something like this: Can something like this be done in Python? I want to write a function like this for float, int and str. Which I will then pass to the parser: Answer The types themselves are first-class objects, so you can pass them as arguments to a single function. First, define a function that
Creating a function to standardize categorical variables (python)
I don’t know if it is right to say “standardize” categorical variable string, but basically I want to create a function to set all observations F or f in the column below to 0 and M or m to 1: I tried this: But I got an error: Any ideas? Thanks! Answer There is no replace function defined in your
Sort by custom function in R
In python, I can do something like It gives me [1, 5, 99, 100, -5, -7, -100] It is sorted by positive/negative number and abs value. How can I do the same thing in R? Without splitting into positive and negative numbers? a = c(1,100,5,-5,-7,99,-100) Answer Use the order() function: Created on 2022-03-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.1) Another possibility
Ursina update function within class
In a project I am working on, I have multiple classes in which I wish to each have an update function when an object is created. How do I get these update functions to run every frame? i.e for this example code, how do I get both class a and b to run update functions? At the moment neither function