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Tag: flask

redirect while passing arguments

In flask, I can do this: And if foo.html contains {{ messages[‘main’] }}, the page will show hello. But what if there’s a route that leads to foo: In this case, the only way to get to foo.html, if I want that logic to happen anyway, is through a redirect: So, how can I get that messages variable to be

TypeError: ObjectId(”) is not JSON serializable

My response back from MongoDB after querying an aggregated function on document using Python, It returns valid response and i can print it but can not return it. Error: Print: But When i try to return: It is RESTfull call: db is well connected and collection is there too and I got back valid expected result but when i try

Flask 302 error code when using flask.redirect

I have this code and I wrote at the end of the file: If I run this code, I get 302 server error (ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS), but if I change this line return redirect(url_for(‘login’)) by return ‘Hello!’ it works without errors! What am I doing wrong? Answer Well I am not a specialist on flask. But obviously you are using a

how can i safely write to a file when using Flask?

I need to write a method on a Flask server which will write part of the request to a log file. However, if I understand correctly, Flask is multi-threaded, and there’s a good chance that writing to a file is not safe. Admittedly, I am more or less new to Python and multi-threaded programming in general, so I need someone

Get list of all routes defined in the Flask app

I have a complex Flask-based web app. There are lots of separate files with view functions. Their URLs are defined with the @app.route(‘/…’) decorator. Is there a way to get a list of all the routes that have been declared throughout my app? Perhaps there is some method I can call on the app object? Answer All the routes for

Return JSON response from Flask view

I have a function that analyzes a CSV file with Pandas and produces a dict with summary information. I want to return the results as a response from a Flask view. How do I return a JSON response? Answer A view can directly return a Python dict or list and Flask will call jsonify automatically. For older Flask versions, or

Sort dict in jinja2 loop

I’m still learning jinja2 and flask and I’m having a difficulty using dictsort in jinja2. So I’m passing this dict into a jinja2 template: What I want is create a table that is sorted by the value of the key ‘totalpts’. I tried all sort of things and it just doesn’t take totalpts into account when “sorting”. Here’s one of

How to implement server push in Flask framework?

I am trying to build a small site with the server push functionality on Flask micro-web framework, but I did not know if there is a framework to work with directly. I used Juggernaut, but it seems to be not working with redis-py in current version, and Juggernaut has been deprecated recently. Does anyone has a suggestion with my case?

Pass variables to Flask’s render_template

I want to pass multiple variables from my Flask view to my Jinja template. Right now, I can only pass one. How do I pass multiple variable when rendering a template? Answer The render_template function takes any number of keyword arguments. Query for each of the things you need in the template, then pass the results of each query as

Sending data from HTML form to a Python script in Flask

I have the code below in my Python script: Also, I have an HTML form in init.html: How can I pass the user input from “projectFilepath” when a user clicks “spotButton” on a variable in my python script? I’m new in Python and Flask, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Answer The form tag needs some attributes set:
