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Tag: exception

Handle specific exception from python package

I would like to handle the following Exception from py_vollib/py_lets_be_rational in specific way. Tried this without success: what am I doing wrong? any help would be appreciated. Answer Looking at the implementation, you’re missing the period at the end of the sentence: I don’t see the point in this check because that will always be the message the exception is

Python “raise from” usage

What’s the difference between raise and raise from in Python? which yields and which yields Answer The difference is that when you use from, the __cause__ attribute is set and the message states that the exception was directly caused by. If you omit the from then no __cause__ is set, but the __context__ attribute may be set as well, and

Multiple try codes in one block

I have a problem with my code in the try block. To make it easy this is my code: Is something like this possible? Answer You’ll have to make this separate try blocks: This assumes you want to run code c only if code b failed. If you need to run code c regardless, you need to put the try

Python: Catching specific exception

I want to catch a specific ValueError, not just any ValueError. I tried something like this: But it raises a SyntaxError: can’t assign to literal. Then I tried: But it raises the exception, even if it is the one I want to avoid. Answer in except ValueError,e, e is an instance of the exception, not a string. So when you

Handling a timeout error in Python sockets

I am trying to figure out how to use the try and except to handle a socket timeout. The way I added the socket module was to import everything, but how do I handle exceptions? In the documentation it says you can use socket.timeouterror, but that doesn’t work for me. Also, how would I write the try exception block if

Why do we need the “finally” clause in Python?

I am not sure why we need finally in try…except…finally statements. In my opinion, this code block is the same with this one using finally: Am I missing something? Answer It makes a difference if you return early: Compare to this: Other situations that can cause differences: If an exception is thrown inside the except block. If an exception is

Extract traceback info from an exception object

Given an Exception object (of unknown origin) is there way to obtain its traceback? I have code like this: How can I extract the traceback from the Exception object once I have it? Answer The answer to this question depends on the version of Python you’re using. In Python 3 It’s simple: exceptions come equipped with a __traceback__ attribute that
