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Tag: elasticsearch

How to update the Elasticsearch document with Python?

I am using the code below to add data to Elasticsearch: But how do I update the document? Here Dr. Messi, Dr. Christiano has to update the index and Dr. Bernard M. Aaron should not update as it is already present in the index. Answer In Elasticsearch, when data is indexed without providing a custom ID, then a new ID

Convert pandas DataFrame to list of JSON-strings

I need to know how to implement to_json_string_list() function in that case: to get output like: {“rec1” : “val1”, “rec2” : “val4”} {“rec1” : “val3”, “rec2” : “val4”} I know that there are function to_json(orient=’records’), but it is not that I need, because I get: [{“rec1” : “val1”, “rec2” : “val4”}, {“rec1” : “val3”, “rec2” : “val4”}] Printing is not
