After updating celery and django-celery to 3.1: I run into this error when starting my server: Using: Django 1.4.21 Python 2.7 Answer Last version of vine is 5.0.0 and fresh push was in 06.09.2020 (yesterday) :), and this version do not have any file. So downgrade vine version to. vine==1.3.0 works for me UPDATE: by the answer Sarang, amqp
Tag: django
django makemigrations not detecting new model
I used makemigrations earlier in order to make my Django app aware of the tables in my legacy MySql database, and it worked fine. It generated Now, I want to add a new “UserDetails” model to my app: After saving the file, I ran the following command in the command prompt: But makemigrations is not seeing the new class
Getting the current date (and time) in Django
I was wondering what is the best way to get the current date in a django application. Currently I query the python datetime module – but since I need the date all over the place I thought maybe Django already has a buildin function for that. e.g. I want to filter objects created in the current year so I would
“from . import views”: Unresolved import
I’m following the Django 1.8 tutorial. In my project mysite, there is a source folder polls. In the folder there is module where a index function is defined. And there is a file: This is what the tutorial suggests, and Django works well with the codes. However Eclipse (PyDev) complains of unresolved imports for views. If I remove
Django – When button is clicked I want to change the dictionary content
On my html page I have a button, and a number being displayed. I want the number to increase by 1 every time the button is pressed. This is the code that I have so far, but for some it doesn’t work. mypage.html Answer On every request a new instance of the python script is run which would result
Separating development and production parts of django project
I’m building a site that relies on the output of a machine learning algorithm. All that is needed for the user-facing part of the site is the output of the algorithm (class labels for a set of items), which can be easily stored and retrieved from the django models. The algorithm could be run once a day, and does not
Django: Deploying an application on Heroku with sqlite3 as the database
I want to deploy an application with sqlite3 as the database on Heroku. However, it seems to be that Heroku doesn’t support applications with sqlite3 as the database. Is it true? Is there no way to deploy my sqlite3-backed application on Heroku? PS: I have successfully deployed my application using PythonAnywhere, but would now like to know whether there’s any
Error : “You are trying to add a non-nullable field”
I defined below model and getting error : You are trying to add a non-nullable field ‘user’ to videodata without a default; we can’t do that Where i am doing wrong???? Answer As the error says, your user field on VideoData is not allowing nulls, so you either need to give it a default user or allow nulls. Easiest
Overriding Django-Rest-Framework serializer is_valid method
I have a quick question about overriding is_valid. Self is a rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer. I’m trying to figure out if there is a better way to modify internal data than reading/writing to the data._kwargs property. I know I can get the data pre-validation via a self.get_initial() call. But I’d also like to be able to write data. The purpose here is to
Is there a reliable python library for taking a BibTex entry and outputting it into specific formats?
I’m developing using Python and Django for a website. I want to take a BibTex entry and output it in a view in 3 different formats, MLA, APA, and Chicago. Is there a library out there that already does this or am I going to have to manually do the string formatting? Answer There are the following projects: BibtexParser Pybtex