What is the proper way of testing throttling in DRF? I coulnd’t find out any answer to this question on the net. I want to have separate tests for each endpoint since each one has custom requests limits (ScopedRateThrottle). The important thing is that it can’t affect other tests – they have to somehow run without throttling and limiting. Answer
Tag: django
Django: Not Found static/admin/css
I just deployed my first Django app on Heroku but I notice that it doesn’t have any CSS like when I runserver on the local machine. I know there’s something wrong with static files but I don’t understand much about it even when I already read the docs. I can do python3 manage.py collectstatic to create a static folder but
Installed app in Django not found when running tests
I have a pretty simple Django app, that I am trying to run unit tests on. In my tests.py file I am trying to import the parent apps views file. I tried from . import views but got an error: I read that when a relative path does not work, you can try using an absolute path so I tried
Django JSON field. ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘JSONField’
I am learning Django and was frustrated by creating a json field in a model. I was trying to create a json field in my model but got error: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘JSONField’. Here is my class in models.py: I am using django 1.9.8 and postgresql 9.2.13. I need the table created in postgresql db has a column
Specifying both ‘fields’ and ‘form_class’ is not permitted
I have the following form, which I want render it with Django crispy forms. This is my views.py This is my urls.py project main file : This is my medical_encounter_information/urls.py In my forms.py file I have: The template medical_encounter_information/templates/medical_encounter_information/rehabilitationsession_form.html is: When I type in my browser the url http://localhost:8000/sesiones-de-rehabilitacion/nuevo/ I get the following: But, When I type in my browser
How do I merge two django db’s?
I have two instances of the same Django app. I need to merge the data in these DBs to one DB. I considered Natural Key fixtures, but I have many objects whose natural key involves fields from a related model, so they are not being serialized when I am serializing using natural keys. For example This account’s fixture: (notice it
Django: Query Group By Month
How to calculate total by month without using extra? I’m currently using: django 1.8 postgre 9.3.13 Python 2.7 Example. What I have tried so far. and also this one, the answer seems great but I can’t import the TruncMonth module. Django: Group by date (day, month, year) P.S. I know that this question is already asked multiple times but I
Django model DateTimeField set auto_now_add format or modify the serializer
I have this field in my model: And it is saved with this format: 2016-05-18T15:37:36.993048Z So I would like to convert it to this format DATE_INPUT_FORMATS = (‘%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:S’) but I dont know where to do it. I have a simple serializer class, could I override it to modify the format? or maybe create a get_date() model method? My settings:
Mock timing in a context to create models with a field DateTimeField with auto_now_add=True
I’d like to mock timing so that be able to set certain time to a field of type DateTimeField with auto_now_add=True during my tests e.g: I’m aware the current date is always used for this type of fields, that is why I’m looking for an alternative to mock somehow the system timing, but just in a context. I’ve tried some
how to parse json array in django
I am new in django rest api framework and using get i am fetching the a json array whose api is this https://api.coursera.org/api/courses.v1?q=search&query=machine+learning and i am not able to parse it.Actually i want to store all the names and send them to .html file .I have used this code but didnot worked for me. Answer This actually has nothing to