Am trying to just get a list of the made up gigs, (and hopefully make them links, to view them in a different html). Page result right now looks like this; <QuerySet [<Gig: Fulltime assistent needed from fall 2021!>, <Gig: Looking for event staff!>]> I don’t know how to remove queryset ‘code markers(or what are they called?)’. Just want the
Tag: django
Django Migrations Circular Dependencies
so my django project was working completely fine and everything worked. I wanted to rename an app something else so I did and updated all the associated files in including the config file. I also cleared the database and removed all migration files from each app. Ever since then I have never been able to finish makemigrations onto my
How to Convert MP4 to HLS with Multiple Audio and Multiple Video Quality in Python/Django?
I have tried with ffmpeg library and I can convert videos mp4 to hls with multiple quality but multiple audio is not working. > [Commands Excuting from Terminal] And with subprocess library calling > [ Want to know is this the right way? to do with Django? ] Answer Here is the solution Read the documentation and modify
unable to show success page after completion of payment
i am using razorpay payment gateway web integration for my learning eccomerce project everyhing work fine payment can be done all i want is to store some information after payment done in my order model using test mode my for checkout so what the error is after payment completion i want to show html page and change sttus in
django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist: User has no field named ‘username’
I’m trying to customize django’s AbstractUser. When I try to reset username to None, I get the following exception: Here is my code: What can I do to solve this problem? Answer You haven’t set a value for USERNAME_FIELD in your code. This must be set to a field that uniquely identifies a user instance. AbstractUser sets this to ‘username’
How to display questions based on subcategory using Django Rest Framework?
I want to display all questions based on subcategory. This is my code : /api/subcategory : /api/questions : From the data above I have 2 subcategories Mathematics and History and have 3 questions based on the subcategory, 2 questions about mathematics and 1 question about history. How to display in /api/questions only 2 questions about Mathematics? I’m
Crypto module and Encryption method not working
Basically, my question is divided into two problems, first of all, I am having this problem when I try running this code [code below] and get an error, like this: The second problem is when I enter text, i.e: “My data is here” I got the encrypted text as : “GIdd+zxj8m0nMeh7wmZJ+Q==” but reversing the process in decryption it outputs a
how to create django template tag for custom model
I’m new for django template tag. I am trying to display logged user payment_status and remaining_days on django html template. For this I wrote model and I don’t know how to write template tag for this. Request your help on this. I want to display payment_status above in model and remaining_days = expired_date-subscripted_date Answer You should take a look at
Django User Type Definition
In Django : From a Python OO perspective if I want different types of users shouldn’t I have a “Teacher” Object Type AND “Student” Object” type extended from AbstractUser? Looks like all the solutions mention to just extend with all the fields required for both users and only use the fields required for a Teacher or Student at Form time.
Django – OperationalError after deleting migration files
In the earliest days of my system, before i knew how to utilize django’s built-in User model, i had my own class named myUser which i intended to use for the same purpose. i ended up deleting this one and instead using django’s User model. all was fine for a while. then i tried to change the id of all