I have following code i am getting stuck at when selecting available version i am only able to pick one, where i want to select all available or all the ones i require. Answer ForeignKeyField refers to one Version from MyModel You are misunderstanding the purpose of foreign keys. Your MyModel needs to be parent to all Version, that are
Tag: django
Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline Runs Django Unit Tests Before Migrations
Problem I’m trying to set up a test stage in Gitlab’s CI/CD. Locally, running the unit tests goes fine and as expected. In Gitlab’s CI/CD, though, when running the script coverage run manage.py test -v 2 && coverage report the unit tests are executing before the migrations are completed in the test database, which is unexpected, and will always fail.
Custom field – got multiple values for keyword argument ‘related_name’
I’m working on a custom field that is just a shortcut to ForeignKey that points to addresses.Country model. When I run makemigrations it returns this error with I’m not sure: I understand that there are two to arguments passed but I don’t understand why. It looks like the field is initialized two times. Once with the kwargs I provided and
Password reset django-allauth and django-rest-auth
I cannot wrap my head around this problem. Read a lot of solutions but cannot seem to find the correct combination that works for me. I want to initiate a users password reset flow from within my (android/iOS) app. I think I need django-rest-auth for this to expose an API endpoint something like this: Now posting to with a
Conflict on Python Django API Deployment
Please, i’m very new to Python and Django, a friend (non developer) reached out to me on deploying django on digitalocean. I’ve tried troubleshooting some of my issues but dont understand how to solve the latest one: I’ve tried visiting the address but dont know what to do with the information given. Please, help me out Answer It’s very obvious
Can you iterate through model fields when you overwrite the save() method in django?
I’m calling a custom save method in my model. The save method is designed to produce some values in the model based on the content of a TextField. This content is stored in a dictionary, and is generated correctly. I’m trying to write a for loop to store the values of the dictionary. The keys correspond to the model field
Django websites not loading
I have two Django websites on one server using Apache with mod_wsgi on Windows 10. For some reason the Django websites don’t load, however, I have a normal website that does. I’ve had it work in the past when I was using one, but I had to change some stuff to make two work. Here are my urls.py 1 2
How to apply a for statement to simplify repeated code in Django queryset
The filter is applied according to team_parameter(request.GET.get(‘team)) and it has very repetitive code. At the end of the if statement, no filter is applied only if team_parameter is ‘ALL’. I think a for statement is necessary to minimize this code, but I did not know how to apply it, so I asked a question. Please let me know which loops
Only the first Django site to be loaded works
I recently submitted a problem to stackoverflow titled Django infinite loading after multiple requests on apache using mod_wsgi. Anyways, I have recently changed a lot of that code and now I have a new problem. The first Django website I request works, however, the second one points to the first one I loaded and gives the response DisallowedHost because obviously
How to get Radio Radio Button Data from POST Request Data in an HTML form?
So I’m coding a test platform consisting of Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs ) in Django. Everything is working fine but somehow I think that the radio button value from my question page is not getting fetch via POST request. Would appreciate some help! Here are my models : Here are my views : Here’s my question page : I’ve