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Tag: django

How to set all available values of one model to another model in django?

I have following code i am getting stuck at when selecting available version i am only able to pick one, where i want to select all available or all the ones i require. Answer ForeignKeyField refers to one Version from MyModel You are misunderstanding the purpose of foreign keys. Your MyModel needs to be parent to all Version, that are

Password reset django-allauth and django-rest-auth

I cannot wrap my head around this problem. Read a lot of solutions but cannot seem to find the correct combination that works for me. I want to initiate a users password reset flow from within my (android/iOS) app. I think I need django-rest-auth for this to expose an API endpoint something like this: Now posting to with a

Conflict on Python Django API Deployment

Please, i’m very new to Python and Django, a friend (non developer) reached out to me on deploying django on digitalocean. I’ve tried troubleshooting some of my issues but dont understand how to solve the latest one: I’ve tried visiting the address but dont know what to do with the information given. Please, help me out Answer It’s very obvious

Django websites not loading

I have two Django websites on one server using Apache with mod_wsgi on Windows 10. For some reason the Django websites don’t load, however, I have a normal website that does. I’ve had it work in the past when I was using one, but I had to change some stuff to make two work. Here are my 1 2

Only the first Django site to be loaded works

I recently submitted a problem to stackoverflow titled Django infinite loading after multiple requests on apache using mod_wsgi. Anyways, I have recently changed a lot of that code and now I have a new problem. The first Django website I request works, however, the second one points to the first one I loaded and gives the response DisallowedHost because obviously
