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Tag: apache

After splitting file, mod_wsgi failed to exec Python script file. And application = get_wsgi_application() errors occured over and over

Hi everybody I tried to deploy my django project with apache, mod_wsgi in windows. I splited my like this: source root folder project folder apps config settings myenv After I splited, Mod_wsgi failed to exec python scripts file : ‘C:/user/users/desktop/source_root_folder/project_folder/’. Mod_wsgi also show the exception that Exception occurred processing WSGI

Why am I getting PermissionError [Errno 13] when attempting to write to log in Flask hosted by Apache?

I am running Flask 1.1.4 via Python 3.5.3, hosted via an Apache 2 server on Debian Stretch. I am attempting to log various messages from the program, using the python logging module. This works normally. However, if I restart the Apache server using sudo service apache2 restart, the Flask application errors out with PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: (log file

Django websites not loading

I have two Django websites on one server using Apache with mod_wsgi on Windows 10. For some reason the Django websites don’t load, however, I have a normal website that does. I’ve had it work in the past when I was using one, but I had to change some stuff to make two work. Here are my 1 2

Only the first Django site to be loaded works

I recently submitted a problem to stackoverflow titled Django infinite loading after multiple requests on apache using mod_wsgi. Anyways, I have recently changed a lot of that code and now I have a new problem. The first Django website I request works, however, the second one points to the first one I loaded and gives the response DisallowedHost because obviously

How to install mod_wsgi into Apache on Windows?

Other similar answers are out of date or focus on a particular error and not the whole process. What is the full installation process of mod_wsgi into an Apache installation on Windows 10? Answer Install Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools: Point MOD_WSGI_APACHE_ROOTDIR to your installation (default is C:/Apache24). Use forward slashes: Install mod-wsgi package: Note: Make sure that the

Flask – WSGI – No module named ‘flask’

I’ve been following Sentdex’ Flask tutorial. He’s using a Venv to set up his Flask, but didn’t set his Python up to work with a Venv. I’ve tried installing Flask globally – yet it still doesn’t work. Trying to browse to the server returns a 500 Internal Server Error I’m getting the usual no module named flaskerror. errorFGL.log flaskapp.wsgi
