I have a profile form that shows email, user name and first name. user only allowed to change first name field and the others are read only, if user change HTML value in email and username then submit it, it returns error but fill the fields with invalid value entered. I tried create a new instance of form and render
Tag: django-views
(DRF) How to update a foreignkey field
I have two models, Account model & Thread model: If I have already created a thread that is ForeignKey to the Account model, I am not able to change the username of the Account model, returning the error FOREIGN KEY constraint failed. I guess the existing Thread model require a username to point to. Is there way to create a
django FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword ‘category_name_contains’ into field. Choices are: category, description, id, image, name, order, price
I want to build a food delivering app, but facing this error. “FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword ‘category_name_contains’ into field. Choices are: catego ry, description, id, image, name, order, price”. This is the query.py: This is the views.py This is my models.py: Here’s the traceback: So this my problem I have tried many solutions still not getting the problem here. As
type object ‘PizzaMenu’ has no attribute ‘_default_manager’
I have following error while i try to reach PizzaDetailView on template: AttributeError at /pizza/6/ type object ‘PizzaMenu’ has no attribute ‘_default_manager’. Where is the problem? models.py views.py urls.py Answer Don’t name your view PizzaMenu, it will override the reference to the PizzaMenu for the other views. Usually class-based views have a …View suffix, so:
Value does not change in admin dashboard and html template, view function shows the correct one
Value does not change in admin dahboard and html template that has a tag of the value, inrthe view function where the change happens,it print the correct value that was changed (order.status) Answer This returns an instance object of the database record. However, it’s not the record itself. When you update the field on the instance, you need to save
How can i implement Notifications system in django
I created an app where user’s can post a question and get answers from others users. Now I want to implement a notification system, so that when a user answer a question, the author of that question will receive notification. Like social media notifications. The home templates: the models: The views: the home page view: the urls Answer Here is
Django Model Form doesn’t seem to validate the BooleanField
In my model the validation is not validating for the boolean field, only one time product_field need to be checked , if two time checked raise validation error. Answer Boolean and None are not always the same. I think that is the root of your problem. Here is None vs False: I find the code and information confusing. I assume
django redirect to form view and autofill with previously entered values
I have following scenario. User fills out a form If the user clicks the “continue” button and the form is valid the user will be redirected to a summary view In the summary view the user checks the input again. He can either continue or go back. If he continues the data will be saved in the database, if he
Calculate Input Fields while user is filling data in form – Django Model Form
I have a user form through which I can save data to the database. I want certain fields to be auto calculated while I am filling the the form. For e.g. Net Weight = Gross Weight – Tier Weight and stuff like that. I also want to add RADIO BUTTONS for fields like LOADING, UNLOADING, DEDUCTION, etc. where values will
Django dev server no longer reloads on save
I’m developing a simple Django app and things were going great until suddenly the dev server stopped reloading automatically on file change. Now I have to manually restart the server every time I change some Python file, which is pretty annoying. I’ve tried removing my virtual environment and reinstalling Django to no avail so I guess the problem is with