I want to create user by API view. But I get this problem: serializers.py views.py How can I solve this problem? Answer You should override serializer’s create() method to hash password before saving new user object. You can use set_password for this: Otherwise User.password will be stared in DB without hashing which is not secure. Also you can use create_user
Tag: django-views
What does format=None do in Django rest full API
Recently when I read Django rest full API document I faced this code : this code is work fine but I look for format=None and I cant find out what does it do. is any body know what is it and why its important to be? Answer The django rest framework (drf) documentation explains it here. The gist of it
How to redirect from a view to another view In Django
This is a view written for my posts app in Django. The problem is that after filling the update form and submitting it happens successfully. But it creates confusion for the user because the same HTML page is there and how can I redirect into the updated object? Answer You can use redirect from http shortcuts. Here is the link
Specifying both ‘fields’ and ‘form_class’ is not permitted
I have the following form, which I want render it with Django crispy forms. This is my views.py This is my urls.py project main file : This is my medical_encounter_information/urls.py In my forms.py file I have: The template medical_encounter_information/templates/medical_encounter_information/rehabilitationsession_form.html is: When I type in my browser the url http://localhost:8000/sesiones-de-rehabilitacion/nuevo/ I get the following: But, When I type in my browser
“from . import views”: Unresolved import
I’m following the Django 1.8 tutorial. In my project mysite, there is a source folder polls. In the folder there is views.py module where a index function is defined. And there is a urls.py file: This is what the tutorial suggests, and Django works well with the codes. However Eclipse (PyDev) complains of unresolved imports for views. If I remove
What is the equivalent of “none” in django templates?
I want to see if a field/variable is none within a Django template. What is the correct syntax for that? This is what I currently have: In the example above, what would I use to replace “null”? Answer None, False and True all are available within template tags and filters. None, False, the empty string (”, “”, “”””””) and empty