So, here I want to use all fields. But I have an error: Field name producer_id is not valid for model Car. How to fix that? Thanks! Answer According to the Django REST Framework’s Documentation on ModelSerializers: By default, all the model fields on the class will be mapped to a corresponding serializer fields. This is different than
Tag: django-models
InvalidBasesError: Cannot resolve bases for []
When I run tests I get this error during database initialization: I created this proxy for contrib.auth Group model to place it in my app in django admin: So what can I do to fix this issue? Answer After a lot of digging on this the only thing that worked for me was comment out the offending apps, run migrations,
unregister or register models conditionally in django admin
Is it possible to conditionally register or unregister models in django admin? I want some models to appear in django admin, only if request satisfies some conditions. In my specific case I only need to check if the logged in user belongs to a particular group, and not show the model if the user (even if superuser) is not in
Django Model MultipleChoice
I know there isn’t MultipleChoiceField for a Model, you can only use it on Forms. Today I face an issue when analyzing a new project related with Multiple Choices. I would like to have a field like a CharField with choices with the option of multiple choice. I solved this issue other times by creating a CharField and managed the
ImproperlyConfigured: There are duplicate field(s) in PackageAdmin.fieldsets
I have a very simple model : here is the : This implementation give me the following error : Any idea why ? If I let the second ‘fields’ empty, I don’t get the error. But if I let the first ‘fields’ empty, I still have this error. Answer Björn Kristinsson did solve my issue (see in the comment
Convert Django Model object to dict with all of the fields intact
How does one convert a django Model object to a dict with all of its fields? All ideally includes foreign keys and fields with editable=False. Let me elaborate. Let’s say I have a django model like the following: In the terminal, I have done the following: I want to convert this to the following dictionary: Questions with unsatisfactory answers: Django:
Building ‘limitless’ menu trees with Django
I have a model: And want to build a template which contains menu with limitless parent-child relations for each entry, where parent id’s of the “first-level” elements is 0. And as a result to build any html menu trees I want. Answer Don’t re-invent the wheel; use a dedicated Django extension for building tree-structures. There are several packages available that
How to properly use the “choices” field option in Django
I’m reading the tutorial here: and i’m trying to create a box where the user can select the month he was born in. What I tried was Is this correct? I see that in the tutorial I was reading, they for some reason created variables first, like so Why did they create those variables? Also, the MONTHS_CHOICES is in
sql “LIKE” equivalent in django query
What is the equivalent of this SQL statement in django? How do I implement this in django? I tried But that did not work. How do i implement this? Answer Use __contains or __icontains (case-insensitive): The SQL equivalent is @Dmitri’s answer below covers patterns like ‘pattern%’ or ‘%pattern’
Saving custom user model with django-allauth
I have django custom user model MyUser with one extra field: I also have according to these instructions custom all-auth Signup form class: After submitting SignupForm (field for property MyUser.age is rendered corectly), I get this error: IntegrityError at /accounts/signup/ (1048, “Column ‘age’ cannot be null”) What is the proper way to store Custom user model? django-allauth: 0.12.0; django: 1.5.1;