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Tag: django-models

Django Model MultipleChoice

I know there isn’t MultipleChoiceField for a Model, you can only use it on Forms. Today I face an issue when analyzing a new project related with Multiple Choices. I would like to have a field like a CharField with choices with the option of multiple choice. I solved this issue other times by creating a CharField and managed the

Saving custom user model with django-allauth

I have django custom user model MyUser with one extra field: I also have according to these instructions custom all-auth Signup form class: After submitting SignupForm (field for property MyUser.age is rendered corectly), I get this error: IntegrityError at /accounts/signup/ (1048, “Column ‘age’ cannot be null”) What is the proper way to store Custom user model? django-allauth: 0.12.0; django: 1.5.1;
