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Tag: discord Issue

Whenever I run the following code for a discord bot after I type a message so that the bot sends the link to the image I get the error: I am pretty new to coding, so sorry if it’s something super simple! Answer ‘Messageable.send’ was never awaited tells you what went wrong here. The library is async so if you

Nextcord Fight Command Organization and Suggestions

I created an extremely basic fight command in Nextcord. The command is like so: Each character and weapon is assigned their own strength, speed, and defense stats. And the stats are all added up to find their final stat. Then it does the same for the enemy and it calculates the outcome. What I would like to do is make

Clear reactions in setting time []

I want clear or disable reactions in setting time using I making poll command and wanna delete or disable(I dont know can I or not) reactions in setting time I have code like this I have my time time_plus and wanna do something when time invoke Answer You can use reaction.clear or reaction.remove to remove reaction from your message.

How do I check for required scopes in a discord bot user using Python?

I am making a discord API wrapper and I finally thought of embarking on commands. As most of you know, discord requires bots to have the application.commands scope for checking whether the bot user has permissions to receive application commands. I wanted to check if the bot had the setting enabled using Python, but it never seems to work. I
