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checking if message author has a certain role

I am making an automatic banning system with a discord bot. So once a message with a steam id is placed into the channel, it will run through an API and ban them (I’ve got this working) what I am looking for is to check if that user has a certain role or not. For this I am using a

Clear reactions in setting time []

I want clear or disable reactions in setting time using I making poll command and wanna delete or disable(I dont know can I or not) reactions in setting time I have code like this I have my time time_plus and wanna do something when time invoke Answer You can use reaction.clear or reaction.remove to remove reaction from your message.

Bot Mentions

So I want my bot to respond to anyone who @mentions it. It does work as it should, but the only problem it’ll respond to @everyone and @here pings. It’s probably simple and I am overthinking it but I just want to know if there is any way to make the bot respond to messages it’s actually mentioned in, not

Triggering method from within a loop with Python and Pycord

I’m playing around with Pycord and trying to send a message to a channel X for each element in an array. The following class will throw a TypeError: MyClient.on_ready() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘message’ indicating that MyClient.on_ready() needs 2 arguments, one for self, one for message, but every example on how to pass arguments to class methods were only
