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Tag: decode

Emoji converter

How can I convert this string in python3 ‘👀🥶’ into this ‘%F0%9F%91%80%F0%9F%A5%B6’ ? Would like to do this with any emojis Answer If percentage encoding is what you are after, urllib module in Python could help. Ref: Python 3: Returns

UTF-8 decoding doesn’t decode special characters in python

Hi I have the following data (abstracted) that comes from an API. I’m using the following code to decode the data byte: The cleanhtml is a regex function that I’ve created to remove html tags from the returned data (It’s working correctly). Although, decode(utf-8) is not removing characters like u00e1. My expected output is: I’ve tried to use replace(“\u00e1”, “á”)

Cannot decode encrypted rsa message python3

I’m encoding a message with rsa.encrypt but then I cannot convert the encrypted data to a str with .decode(). That’s a bit strange because the encrypted data is a bytes string and there shouldn’t be any problem converting that to a str. data = [, data, self.my_pubkey] # actually don’t care about type of components, they are correct My code:

PDF417 decoder for python

I’ve looked everywhere and I’ve only found information related to generating PDF417 codes, but nothing regarding how to decode them. Is there a library to decode them in python? I’m already detecting the code in an image and croping it, but now I need a decoder. Answer I found this little piece of code, which does just what I want.

Uncrypting a very simple code in python

So this is the brief: i need to input something like: and return: As you can see to decode this i need to start by reading the words in reverse order and if the first letter of the word isupper() then make it lowercase and append it to a list which i will later print. This is what i have
