I’m trying to plot a figure in which dates, without times, are in x-axis and times, without dates, are in y-axis: The above code works well. However when I convert time zones from UTC to US/Eastern I get the same result, as if I did nothing. The result of both before and after time zone conversation: When I print, for
Tag: datetime
Calculate time between two different values in the same pandas column
I have data that look like the following I need to create a new column that will find the time between the first issue and the first resolved. I need a groupby statement that will keep the first issue and the first resolved for all the issues. Then find the time – When I use group by Device and condition
Error when using total_seconds to subtract two dates with different formats in Python
I have two different dates and I want to know the difference in seconds between them. My data: I want to add two column to my data frame: My code: This is the error: Answer Use .dt.total_seconds() Ex: Output:
Why month x-ticks are labelled wrongly in a datetime index?
I have a dataset of 12 values, with the index being a datetime64 type and I want to plot a bar graph of the data with the x-ticks showing the Month in English. I have used the MonthLocator and DateFormatter functions of matplotlib. These are working for one dataset but not with the other one. The x-ticks months are labelled
Filter non-duplicated records in Python-pandas, based on group-by column and row-level comparison
This is a complicated issue and I am not able to figure this out, and I really appreciate your help in this. The below dataframe is generated from a pandas function DataFrame.duplicated(), based on ‘Loc'(groupby) and ‘Category’ repeated records are marked as True/False accordingly. My Expectation is to create another column based on ‘Loc'(groupby), ‘Category’ and ‘IsDuplicate’ to represent only
Datetime object in DataFrame with just time
This is the plain column And the I would like to put that column in the index, the problem is when I try to use the method resample() I always get the same problem: TypeError: Only valid with DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex or PeriodIndex, but got an instance of ‘Index’ I’ve been using this to change the Time column to Answer You
What is the opposite of fromtimestamp()?
I’m trying to figure out how to import a binary file into python, but it’s a lot of guesswork and trial and error. What I’d like to do in this case to is find where a specific date occurs in the bytestream, i.e: Is there a function (or set of functions) that can convert a date into a bytestream? Answer
Remove timezone (+01:00) from DateTime
I would like to delete the timezone from my dateTime object. Currently i have: 2019-02-21 15:31:37+01:00 Expected output: 2019-02-21 15:31:37 The code I have converts it to: 2019-02-21 14:31:37. Answer In the first line, the parameter utc=True is not necessary as it converts the input to UTC (subtracting one hour in your case). In the second line, I get an
How to display current date and time on Django website?
I know how to print out current date and time in the console, but I am trying to add the date/time as a feature on my daily task Python website using Django and Bootstrap4. I have tried adding it as a function in my views.py file and then inserting the function in the html file of the page i want
How to merge a list composed of many variables and a DataFrame in a single Python Dataframe?
I’ve created a list named “list_data” which contains variables from many files. I also have a dataframe named “observation_data”. I’m trying to merge these 2 files with the key “time”, but nothing to do, all my tentatives fail. Here is my code and my results And I’ve tried: Which return an element of 0 row and 35 columns I’ve also