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Tag: dataframe

Group by Issue with Years Pandas

I’m following the answer for this StackOverflow post to group a column of years by decades to make it easier for me to visualize later, but I’m not getting the same results. It seems like when DSM did it, it yielded integers for years, while mine is yielding floats for years. I’ve implemented: My Results: Picture of Results Answer You

Why does matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() mess up image outputs for very large pandas.plotting.scatter_matrix()?

I was trying to compute the pandas.plotting.scatter_matrix() values for very large pandas.DataFrame() (relatively speaking for this specific operation, most libraries either run OOM most of the time or implement a row count check of 50000, see vaex-scatter). The ‘Time series’ DataFrame shape I have is (10000000, 41). Every value is either a float or an integer. Q1: So the first
