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Tag: css-selectors

Why selenium dont find tag and class

I recently started using selenium and I can’t solve one problem. When I use find_element_by_tag(class)_name or _css_selector raise error: But the element I’m looking for exists. For example: Output: But if I want to find “navbar-brand” class, I can do it. What’s the problem? And if I use find_elements, return empty list. P.S If somebody can advise some useful material

“selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element” while clicking a ‘Next’ button with Selenium

I’m trying to click the Next button using Selenium, I’ve tried with the code below, but it ends in error. The element My code But then it outputs these errors: How can I click that button without errors? Answer This error message… …implies that the ChromeDriver was unable to locate the desired element. Locating the desired element As per the
