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Tag: cryptography

Sending RSA encoded message from JavaScript React to Python. Ciphertext length must be equal to key size. issue

I receive the error “Ciphertext length must be equal to key size.” when trying to send an encoded message from javascript to python. I have encoded the bytesarray to base64 in javascript and decoded the base64 back to a bytes array in Python. Yet, the issue seems to persist. Key Generation (Python): Import Key (Javascript): Encrypt Data (Javascript): Transmit Data

cryptography.fernet.InvalidToken problem with cryptography

Getting this error when trying to run this: FYI dk variable is defined with key (default key) Edit: I added the key for those who asked Answer I have found out, through trial and error with the same project later down the line, that you need to turn your key into something like this key = b’niwaXsYbDiAxmLiqRiFbDa_8gHio15sNQ6ZO-sQ0nR4=’ The main difference

I’m having trouble writing the ADFGVX cipher in python

First of all, if anyone doesn’t know how the ADFGVX Cipher works, Here is a video on it: Assuming you now know how the cipher works, let’s look at my problem now: First, we need to create the Polybius Square. I did this by creating a table: Next, we need to create a dictionary containing the coordinates: We can

Why PyCryptoDome’s 3DES algorithm uses 128-bits or 192-bits key instead of 56-bits?

According to Wikipedia, 3DES’s cipher uses a 56-bits encryption key to encrypt data; but Pycryptodome’s 3DES class uses either 128-bits or 192-bits encryption key. Also both Pycryptodome’s AES’s and 3DES’s encryption speed are same, output is similar. Am I doing something wrong or is this 3DES a bit different? Here’s my code to encrypt data with 3DES algorithm in Python:

AES encryption between iOS and Python

I have functions to encrypt/decrypt using AES (128 and 256) on both iOS (CCCrypt) and python (pycryptdome). All test cases working on each platform but… when I take an AES key and encrypted string from iOS to python the decryption fails. I have looked extensively and tried various use cases to no avail. I’ve created a simple test case here

HMAC SHA-512 hashing function equivalent in node.js

I currently have this snippet in Python – I am trying to replicate it in Node.js, but having difficulty getting the correct hash. Test case: Key: ‘7pgj8Dm6’ Message: ‘TestMessage’ With the python snippet, the hash is With the js snippet, the hash is Am I going wrong with the base64 encoding? Answer In the NodeJS code, the key is first

trying to convert Java RSA-PSS signature verification code (with SHA256 hash, SHA1 MGF hash) to Python

Here’s my Java code, which successfully verifies the signature, as expected. The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen at in case you want to try to reproduce the issue. My Python code, which does not verify the signature, as expected: The full code (with the imports, keys, message and signature) can be seen
