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Tag: cookies

I can’t add cookies on python selenium webdriver

I’m trying to enter a page and then add cookies on it, but it returns an error and I don’t know why. I did it exactly like is written on the selenium docs, and here is the code i used: And it returns selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException: Message: invalid argument: missing ‘name’. I already thought that it could be the code trying to

Accept cookies consent from Youtube

I’m trying to retrieve a list of Youtube videos from a Youtube channel, say “”, to get the nth first videos (thanks to the key = “videoId”). It used to work like a charm until a few days ago, when it started to ask for my consent. I tried many things on SO with no luck, I still see the

Passing cookies while logging in

I would like to integrate python Selenium and Requests modules to authenticate on a website. I am using the following code: The problem is that when I enter the browser the login authentication is still there when I try to access the url even though I passed the cookies generated from the requests session. How can I modify the code
