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Tag: concurrency

asyncio.gather not executing tasks when caller function requests input from STDIN?

In the following contrived example I am attempting to get input from STDIN and execute a list of coroutine tasks concurrently using asyncio.gather based on the input from STDIN.: However when executing the above code the output does not contain the desired output when the corresponding option is entered. Input ‘1’ from STDIN should print to STDOUT: Input ‘2’ from

Log output of multiprocessing.Process

Is there a way to log the stdout output from a given Process when using the multiprocessing.Process class in python? Answer The easiest way might be to just override sys.stdout. Slightly modifying an example from the multiprocessing manual: And running it: $ ls $ python $ ls 27493.out 27494.out $ cat 27493.out function f module name: __main__
