i am making a comment section in django but when i hit the comment section the comment does get published to the comment section of my website it just refreshed the page and does nothing but when i add a comment from my backend which is the admin section it works perfectly fine and get updated in my front end
Tag: comments
Python how to keep the XML comment exist after write a new value using Python?
I have an XML file then need to update some value. My XML file contains the comment. I would like to keep the comment after writing the XML, but it disappeared. Here is my XML: This is the value that I need to update become this: My code: The output of the test.xml file become this. the comment and <?xml
Proper use of comments
For Python code, PEP 257 provides a convention for using docstrings to document structural entities: packages, modules, functions, classes, and methods. This covers pretty much everything. Stack Overflow questions about how to comment Python code invariably elicit answers saying to use docstrings. Where does this leave comments? Is the Pythonic approach to use docstrings exclusively and never use comments? Or do
What does ‘# noqa’ mean in Python comments?
While searching through a Python project, I found a few lines commented with # noqa. What does noqa mean in Python? Is it specific to Python only? Answer Adding # noqa to a line indicates that the linter (a program that automatically checks code quality) should not check this line. Any warnings that code may have generated will be ignored.
How do I create multiline comments in Python?
How do I make multi-line comments? Most languages have block comment symbols like: Answer You can use triple-quoted strings. When they’re not a docstring (the first thing in a class/function/module), they are ignored. (Make sure to indent the leading ”’ appropriately to avoid an IndentationError.) Guido van Rossum (creator of Python) tweeted this as a “pro tip”. However, Python’s style