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Tag: documentation

How is the Tensorflow documentation created? (Especially the Jupyter notebook parts)

Here is an example page of the Tensorflow documentation: Here is the source of that page: Link How is the Jupyter notebook converted into the HTML website? I think the collapsible code blocks and the table of contents on the right look really nice. I want to do the same thing with my Jupyter notebooks (or at least get

How to understand creating leaf tensors in PyTorch?

From PyTorch documentation: But why are e and f leaf Tensors, when they both were also cast from a CPU Tensor, into a Cuda Tensor (an operation)? Is it because Tensor e was cast into Cuda before the in-place operation requires_grad_()? And because f was cast by assignment device=”cuda” rather than by method .cuda()? Answer When a tensor is first

Pdoc: doesn’t generate documentation

I was trying to generate documentation for my python package using pdoc, and it didn’t generate any documentation when I ran the command py -m pdoc –html [package name].It outputs the error …PythonPython38python.exe: No module named pdoc.__main__; ‘pdoc’ is a package and cannot be directly executed Why is this happening? Answer This problem has been fixed with the release of

How do I create multiline comments in Python?

How do I make multi-line comments? Most languages have block comment symbols like: Answer You can use triple-quoted strings. When they’re not a docstring (the first thing in a class/function/module), they are ignored. (Make sure to indent the leading ”’ appropriately to avoid an IndentationError.) Guido van Rossum (creator of Python) tweeted this as a “pro tip”. However, Python’s style
