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Tag: aws-lambda

AWS Lambda – unable to import module ‘lambda_function’

Like many others before me, I’m trying to run an AWS Lambda function and when I try to test it, I get “errorMessage”: “Unable to import module ‘lambda_function'” My Handler is set to lambda_function.lambda_handler, and I indeed have a file named which contains a function called lambda_handler. Here’s a screenshot as proof: Everything was working fine when I was

Adding session attributes in Python for Alexa skills

I have 3 slots (account, dollar_value, recipient_first) within my intent schema for an Alexa skill and I want to save whatever slots are provided by the speaker in the session Attributes. I am using the following methods to set session attributes: However, as you may guess, if I want to save more than one slot as data in sessionAttributes, the

AWS error from Python: No module named lambda_function

I am creating a AWS Lambda python deployment package. I am using one external dependency requests. I installed the external dependency using the AWS documentation. Below is my Python code. Created the Zip the content of the project-dir directory and uploaded to the lambda(Zip the directory content, not the directory). When I am execute the function I am getting the

AWS Lambda function firing twice

I’m using an AWS Lambda function (written in python) to send an email whenever an object is uploaded into a preset S3 bucket. The object is uploaded via the AWS PHP SDK into the S3 bucket and is using a multipart upload. Whenever I test out my code (within the Lambda code editor page) it seems to work fine and
