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Tag: anaconda

flask –app hello run — Error: No such option: –app

TL;DR running flask –app from the command line results in Error: No such option: –app. The current version of Anaconda (at the time of this question) includes Flask version 1.x. Here is the code from the Flask hello world tutorial at: quickstart and running it with: flask –app hello run results in the error, How can I run this

How to resolve the Error in anaconda start up?

Few days ago, Anaconda Navigator used to work fine but now it won’t open; I’ve even reinstalled the navigator but still getting the same issue. Here is the error message Navigator Error: Main Error Traceback Answer According to github the problem lies with “config.yaml” file in C:Usersaxith.continuumanaconda-clientconfig.yaml , rename it to config.old or delete it

Safety and Clobber errors during clone of anaconda base environment (Version 2022.05)

I installed the anaconda distribution (version 2022.05) on a windows 10 (64 bit) machine. During installation I followed the recommendations given here (installed it only for myself and didn’t add anaconda to the PATH variable). I didn’t change any setting, so you can assume a virgin anaconda with default settings. I need to install some additional packages which aren’t part

How can i add Anaconda Prompt to VScode terminal?

i’m trying to add anaconda prompt to vscode terminal. i googled it, but i found that it’s not possible method cuz is now unavailable on settings. is there any way to solve this? Answer I’m sorry to tell you that it can’t be realized at present.The Python extension automatically detects existing conda environments provided that the environment contains
