How can I query a DynamoDb table using a combination of the BETWEEN and BEGINS_WITH? A simplified example of my tables partition and sort key looks like this: If my SK didn’t include the …#tag postfix I could use a KeyConditionExpression like this: where start and end are e.g. 2022-05-13T08:45:00Z and 2022-05-13T09:00:00Z, respectively, but I am unsure how to do
Tag: amazon-dynamodb
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the PutItem operation: One or more parameter values were invalid: Missing the key CreatedAt
Help, I am totally perplexed as to why I am getting this error indicating that CreateAt field is missing when a PutItem() is called. I an ingesting emails into an S3 bucket which are then taken from the S3 and loaded into the Dynamo log table. Once that is completed, the record is then uploaded to Salesforce as a lead
Validate data in Dynamodb is only working through if data is present
this is a rather easy and silly question but I can’t seem to understand the problem at hand. I am trying to create a register page where user could enter thier email, if their email is present, then the the function will put items into the database, if not, it will return “email is already present. EDIT:- My problem is
Load JSON data from CloudTrail into DynamoDB using Boto
I am working on a Boto3 script that can load the attributes from Cloudtrail into Dynamodb. The format of my cloudtrail logs is JSON. I am fairly new to DynamoDB and I am not sure where I am making a mistake. I’m trying to store “S3BucketName” as well as the name of the bucket which is “goodbucket3”. Name for the
How to generate low character primary keys for NoSQL/DynamoDB?
I need to generate room codes for a Flask project, in a similar style to how does it. These room codes will serve as the primary key in a DynamoDB table, and as such will need to be unique. One option is to use UUIDs, however these are very large and are not user-friendly to type in. Is there
Update values in Dynamodb by modifying the previous values
I created a dynamodb table and I am using the lambda function to update the values in the dynamodb table. The problem with my function for updating the values, not modifying the older values which were already present in the dynamodb, it just overwriting the values. My code snippet for updating the data item in Dynamodb table: Here Key is
How to create the dynamodb table using serverless.yml and delete the items of it using python boto3?
I’ve created the dynamodb table using serverless.yml as below: But I’ve got this issue: An error occurred: myTable – One or more parameter values were invalid: Number of attributes in KeySchema does not exactly match number of attributes defined in AttributeDefinitions (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: PEI9OT7E72HQN4N5MQUOIUQ18JVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG; Proxy: null). Could you help me creating the
Wait for complete deletion of a DynamoDB table using boto3
I need to delete a dynamodb table, and wait until it is completely removed. How can I check this? boto3 api expose a method get_waiter to wait for certain events, but it is not well documented. Can I use it for this purpose? Which would be the event name, or maybe handle a ResourceNotFoundException Answer After delete_table API, call table_not_exists
how to put an Item in aws DynamoDb using aws Lambda with python
Using python in AWS Lambda, how do I put/get an item from a DynamoDB table? In Node.js this would be something like: All I need is the python equivalent. Answer Using Boto3 (Latest AWS SDK for python) You import it with Then call the client via Get item example Put item example ‘S’ indicates a String value, ‘N’ is a